Sunday, November 13, 2011

the digital medium, the next facebook, broomsticks, neo-heidegger

Alright first,

The Digital Medium

  • Three Principles
pretty cool blog, but more cool is its 'three principles'


Inventing the Medium is based on three foundational principles:

All things made with electronic bits and computer code belong to a single new medium, the digital medium, with its own unique affordances.

Designing any single artifact within this new medium is part of the broader collective effort of making meaning through the invention and refinement of digital media conventions.

When we expand the meaning-making conventions that make up human culture, we expand our ability to understand the world and to connect with one another.

  • The Next Facebook/Google+
Given this digital medium, we can ask two questions

(1) what makes an internet medium popular?
(2) what makes an internet medium cool?

Clearly facebook encapsulates the answer to 1). But we can note some severe shortcomings to facebook, and why it's not 2) yet:

exhibit a) the social graph
"The funny thing is, no one's really hiding the secret of how to make awesome online communities. Give people something cool to do and a way to talk to each other, moderate a little bit, and your job is done. Games like Eve Online or WoW have developed entire economies on top of what's basically a message board. MetaFilter, Reddit, LiveJournal and SA all started with a couple of buttons and a textfield and have produced some fascinating subcultures. And maybe the purest (!) example is 4chan, a Lord of the Flies community that invents all the stuff you end up sharing elsewhere: image macros, copypasta, rage comics, the lolrus. The data model for 4chan is three fields long - image, timestamp, text.

Now tell me one bit of original culture that's ever come out of Facebook.

Right now the social networking sites occupy a similar position to CompuServe, Prodigy, or AOL in the mid 90's. At that time each company was trying to figure out how to become a mass-market gateway to the Internet. Looking back now, their early attempts look ridiculous and doomed to failure, for we have seen the Web, and we have tasted of the blogroll and the lolcat and found that they were good.

But at the time no one knew what it would feel like to have a big global network. We were all waiting for the Information Superhighway to arrive in our TV set, and meanwhile these big sites were trying to design an online experience from the ground up. Thank God we left ourselves the freedom to blunder into the series of fortuitous decisions that gave us the Web.

My hope is that whatever replaces Facebook and Google+ will look equally inevitable, and that our kids will think we were complete rubes for ever having thrown a sheep or clicked a +1 button. It's just a matter of waiting things out, and leaving ourselves enough freedom to find some interesting, organic, and human ways to bring our social lives online."

exhibit b) m00t on facebook and identity constraint
google+ came out and it was basically the same as facebook in terms of identity and most of us were unimpressed. that's why everyone's still waiting. the new facebook will have to change not just the way we share content (re: google+'s circles), but "who we share it as."

  • Future of Interactive Design
In addition to the new popular digital medium, what does the future of the electronic medium--those devices that access the digital medium--have in store for us?

It better NOT be the ipad.

Next up,
Broomsticks revealed
Just that way of framing the practice: rather than aesthetics, they focused on potent plants that had powers, functional plants, plants that cast spells. that's such a cool way of viewing it. just a different mindset back then. i'm not even going to say the difference back then was a lack of knowledge. just a different mindset.

Neo-Heidegger focused on space
"The book ends, symmetrically, with a meditation on Mary's giving birth to Christ, as an image of the mother-child dyad that brings the reader up to the edge of the Renaissance, when the major spheric disintegration took place once Copernicus et. al. started to question the notion of being encased inside whirling cosmic macrospheres. When those spheres were shattered, all hell, did indeed, break loose, and humanity was set on the path toward Nietzsche's annunciation of the death of God as a disguised cry that the human being now, for the first time ever, faced a gigantic cosmos alone and unprotected by any metaphysical immune system. Hence, the anxieties of the 20th century, its chaos of wars and its profusion of sages, each of whom desperately attempts to offer a pharmaceutical balm to soothe the anxiety of being-in-the-world, as Heidegger put it.

Sloterdijk, indeed, picks up from where Heidegger left off, for it was Heidegger's primary task to situate the lonely philosophical Ego into a specific and very concrete world, where he is always already engaged in doing something, thus putting an end to the subject-object dichotomy that had haunted philosophy since Descartes. Sloterdijk picks up the tradition of embedding the individual in a context by saying that not only is the human already in the world doing something, but he is specifically inside a container of some sort that functions as an extension of the mother womb. He or she is always involved with someone -- even when no one appears to be present -- inside an invisible environment of one ontological sort or another. Ontology, then, is applied immunology."


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Don't speak," God

Earlier today I caught myself humming some melody that I was really emotionally jiving with, and for some reason the first thing I thought was "please be that No Doubt song that I was thinking about earlier."

I wanted it to be the No Doubt song because I was talking about how awesome it (and the rest of 90s pop) was earlier with a friend, and if I was humming something that emotionally caught me now, it would be awesome if it were the same meaningful song I was talking about earlier, rather than some random Other melody that just entered my head. Because then it becomes more than just a fleeting song. It becomes recurring, unified, more meaningful, almost meant to happen.

I identified this yearning as completely synonymous with a religious one. The religious quest to unify all events, no matter how disconnected they may seem, into a single justified recurrence--God or something--stems from the same impulse. I don't even think science is that different, showing that all distinct events and phenomena are a collection of atoms subject to the same scientific procedures and measurements. Perhaps the human yearning for meaning causes us to unify all of the wonderfully disconnected events in our world into a simple recurring framework so that things can, as with the No Doubt song that popped into my head a second time, seem 'meant to be' in some sense.

The desire for unified meaning leads to fundamentalism.

Maybe we should just leave things in their separate spheres of being. I kinda feel like that's what space is for? Like space allows us to separate things from each other, because they're in different regions of space. So does time. But then we try to override it all with some framework ultimately generated by language. But this ironically only further distances us from the world that we are indistinguishable from, because it gives us shelter in abstraction.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Depression Diary

So solid and relatable to the contemporary... do not fear sinking, for at the bottom of the ocean lies the greatest treasure that human existence can offer--the unshakeable, exhilarating freedom from Truly Not Giving A Fuck

on a different but related note, I was thinking about how happiness is not something you can pursue. it's something you remember. to start pursuing happiness right now is also to confidently assert that you are unhappy now (which you can't really know) and then start searching for a quality so vague that 'searching' for it doesn't even make sense. that's a basically a formula for disappointment. pursue definitive things. remember happiness.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Brief Conversation with David Foster Wallace

Or rather, with my interpretation of one of his quotes:

re: Sklaroff wall post
good job, but there's still something troubling about it
like, why does one throw one's entire self
rather than like, most of it
it's a suicide of a different type in that sense
if you give all of yourself to something
there's nothing left
hella selfless, I suppose
perhaps virtuous
in that sense
i mean i'm willing to go far as to say the self isn't really anything but a conglomeration of ones interactions with society or w/e
all existence is external
looking into the self one will not find much
that's why people get much happier helping other people (peace corps or w.e) than by helping themselves
but ye in response to your response to my sklar comment
i guess what i mean is
there is no throwing 'most of ones self' into something
as long as you are not committing suicide
you are throwing your whole self into all of existence
whether thats just religion or like 5 things
doesn't change that fact
existence is all one anyways
human categories distinguish it
but once you say 'yes' to this moment,
you are saying yes to all of existence
does that make sense?
3:09 PM
i think i follow but maybe not that last "saying yes to the moment = yes to existence" bit
its the same thing as saying as long as you are not committing suicide
you are throwing your whole self into all of existence
and i kind of agree with the
you are what you do
you are what other people experience
and "existence is all one anyways"
there is only one binary
truth and nihilism
nihilism is a saying 'no' to the moment

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Trippy/artsy vid


why not throw in some other trippy vids:
https://www.facebook.com/wearealaya/videos/1414684821932940/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED (animation)
http://vimeo.com/13137686 (animation, radiohead)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4RsU8RsvGg (music video, gets cool towards the end)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eakKfY5aHmY (bird emerging consciousness)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9V11mTNonw (cymatic shapes)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LOy2bL6ifk (akkord)

Captain Planet - Don Cheadle

holy LOLZ


this is exactly the kind of stuff that restores my faith in humanity

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

16 bit - dinosaurs

heavy skank dubstep + trippy vid + audio-video syncing = <3

Reminds me of Glitch Mob's old thing:

benga's dubstep video is tight also:

Monday, August 29, 2011

True authenticity

After Guevara's death, Sartre would declare him to be "not only an intellectual but also the most complete human being of our age" and the "era's most perfect man." Sartre would also compliment Che Guevara by professing that "he lived his words, spoke his own actions and his story and the story of the world ran parallel."

I would like to introduce Sartre to this guy.


must read


"The Solar Anus is a short Surrealist text written by the French writer and philosopher Georges Bataille, as well as the name of a performance art piece by Ron Athey.

Albeit elliptically, its aphorisms refer to decay, death, vegetation, natural disasters, impotence, frustration, ennui and excrement. It makes ironic reference to the sun, for, although it brings life to the Earth, it can also result in death due to its unrestrained energies. Moreover, the anus should be seen to be an expression of the inevitability of residual waste due to its role in excretion."

funny things





Sunday, August 28, 2011

Digital world escapes reality?

well put.

Zizek on capitalism solving its own problems

He's just always killing it. Nice animation too.

If these charities/consumer ethics simply delay the problem by giving the consumer a 'complete package,' (you can buy your new shoes WHILE purchasing away your guilt!) should we participate in them, temporarily saving a few cows/children here and there? Or should we rebel against them, by further spiraling into the morally reprehensible purchases, and showing capitalism that we are not simply consumers who can buy away our beliefs.

Or rather, is assuming that consumer behavior can advance a belief system at all just further spiraling into the grips of capitalism? We should continue purchasing as we do, playing apathetic to consumption, while seeking other means to solve the problem in the long-term (science, legality, etc).

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Submit to reality

"Submit to reality, then you will truly experience freedom."

One must first submit to a reality. At first this is an obstacle, but eventually the obstacles turn into stepping stones that the will can incorporate into its possibilities. Then a realm of freedom is born. Fulfillment/happiness is a byproduct.

piano example at 59 minutes illustrates it further.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bass music revolution

There is a large difference between hearing/knowing about bass (in your headphones lets say) and FEELING bass. They are two completely different phenomenological experiences. This is what adults don't understand. It is purely a characteristic of the younger generation.

Music cannot only be thought of as a series of information anymore. It is an immersive bodily experience. This is our generation's rebellion against the so-called "information paradigm."

Dubstep IS the revolution.

Cultural Death Denial

A man of the future.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bad Air


Happiness is now a few clicks away! How efficient! I was surprised not to find a "wiifitpad" on there.


Nice Pollack


Influential Articles

http://www.bruno-latour.fr/articles/article/96-DINGPOLITIK2.html -Latour
http://hermetic.com/bey/taz3.html#labelTAZ - Poetic terrorism

Saturday, August 13, 2011

This is how all small-talk should be

me: more like akiva MANberger
Akiva: haha hey
me: sup
how's meaning
Akiva: haha meaning?
2:35 AM me: yeah
Akiva: im wokring on finding it
me: word
you ever think of just creating it?
fuck looking
2:36 AM Akiva: eh
i dont know
if u can create meaning
i think u can create things to help u find meaning
2:38 AM me: haha like measuring devices?
Akiva: haha yeah
2:40 AM me: why is the given level of experience inadequate for seeing meaning. what kind of things are you talking about?
2:42 AM Akiva: haha i guess i mean i haven't yet found the thing that makes me appreciate life on its own
2:43 AM me: well it's not like going to be one thing/key that you find that will unlock the secret forever
it's probably going to change every year
Akiva: haha right
2:44 AM me: kid cudi was like everythingthat shines aint always gonnabe gold
word tho
that whole mentality
that like everywhere is nowhere
that like happiness is just a matter of changing perspective
do you think that's bullshit?
2:45 AM Akiva: haha yeah i do
i think its like that song
"theres got to be more to life"
than chasing out every temporary high
to satisfy me
2:48 AM unless its gay to quote stacy orrico
in which case, i agree with the kid cudi quote
2:50 AM me: thats a good quote
2:54 AM alright then!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Institute of Sonology in the Netherlands

Definitely the place to be:


In order to be perceived as functioning on several parallel levels of structure, I feel that today's electro-acoustic music should challenge our notion of causality, interactions between elements and organization of musical materials and that this is best achieved by exploring how different elements in a composition can interact and communicate.

The research examines the theoretical background of algorithmic composition, focusing in particular on the balance between automatic processes and personal editorial control. The relation to large-scale musical form as well as the possibility of connecting the structural design of a composition with the spatial aspects through an algorithmic approach to the use of Wave Field Synthesis will be explored.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

female sexual suppression

Four theories about cultural suppression of female sexuality are evaluated. Data are reviewed on cross-cultural differences in power and sex ratios, reactions to the sexual revolution, direct restraining influences on adolescent and adult female sexuality, double standard patterns of sexual morality, female genital surgery, legal and religious restrictions on sex, prostitution and pornography, and sexual deception. The view that men suppress female sexuality received hardly any support and is flatly contradicted by some findings. Instead, the evidence favors the view that women have worked to stifle each other’s sexuality because sex is a limited resource that women use to negotiate with men, and scarcity gives women an advantage.

crazy pcp trip


his note is transparent

re: sartre. Is there transparency?


Thursday, July 14, 2011

boredom reveals things


that Schopenhauer bit comes from this quote,

‘[F]or if life, in the desire for which our essence and existence consists, possessed in itself a positive value and real content, there would be no such thing as boredom: mere existence would fulfill and satisfy us.’


which reminds me that i should meditate more often

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Easing the Reply-all tension

So reply-all threads can get annoying. But there's also the FIRST GUY who starts getting mad at the reply-alls because he's too busy and important to deal with them, and he's also super mature. Dude is pretty much begging for trolls.


This seems like the place to live man...ready to move onto a new way of social living+thinking.


from dubstep friday:

The eyes of the world have turned to the UK in recent years and have found some of the most exciting, genre-defying young artists to emerge from electronic music. But while London’s scene can be fractious and hard to pin down, there seems to be something in the air in Bristol that unites its participants. Whether they’re creating dubstep, house, techno or something else entirely, the cross-pollination in Bristol is unique. In RA’s first official entry into video, we journey to Bristol to explore how the city has flourished in recent years, discovering why this small metropolis is one of the most influential electronic music outposts in the world today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Spontaneous List of Dubstep Artists

to be added to later:
DJ Rum
Lewis B
mount kimbie
james blake
four tet
von d
jaw jam
balam acab
(Shlohmo, flylo, tokimonsta, nosaj thing, shigeto)
gold panda
Joy O
julio bashmore
dark sky
zed bias
andy stott
jack sparrow
pure phase
digital mystikz
lx one
kryptic minds
goth trad
goli and ashburner


Light one up, and enjoy.


Interesting book list


Sunday, July 3, 2011

A short poem


Holy shit dude a fucking bed! I'm fallin asleep just lookin at that thing.

(how you know ur graduating into a recession)

cool tries to act chuck Norris

my scrot hairs grow faster than my other pubes so it's really shitty. it's just like...it looks like a fucking..sea creature. like a sea urchin.

Things to keep doing: spontaneous absurd freestlyes during gchat convos

yeah ok we back wit it
a flo who's crack and shit
11:05 PM Jeremy: k u down?
11:07 PM me: yeah a bag fulla macs im crackin it
Jeremy: did you get some real world in today
it sounds like u back wit it
me: eggs slappin i rep smack dabblin ass assassin rations
11:08 PM my flows are bashin ya whole crew and stashin the flow through a mouth of a dragons wagon
i smack-dabble in maggots

salvia trip
