Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sartrean Solution to Consumerism: Consume Nothingness

General Summary: We can’t help but have an impulse to consume in our modern society, so the solution is not to avoid consuming, but to consume nothingness (i.e. your relaxing breath). this parallels sartre who sort of said, we can’t help but asking “what is consciousness” in our ego-based society, so the solution is not to avoid talking about it, but to just call it “a pool of nothingness in the brain” that sucks everything in.

We are trapped in layers of consumerism. In one sense, we can resist temptations--eating, smoking, masturbation, etc to rebel against consumerism. But we still lose here, as the entire Western society we are situated in is framed in terms of consumerism, so you will constantly find yourself in jail. Every directive and norm is telling you to consume, and you have to pass constantly. This is not solving the problem, but rather imprisoning yourself to it.

Sartre found himself in the same situation in the 20th century--we were still trapped in Descarte's formulation of the cogito--unable to formulate our relationship to the world without conceiving of our "selves," our discrete "consciousness," which necessarily separates us from the world. Even if you say things like "my consciousness is connected deeply with the world" or "we are all one!" you still lose in the same way as consumerism above, because the cogito, whether formulated as "consciousness," heideggarian dasein, kantian transcendental subject, etc, is still the individualist separatist framework within which you are operating.

So Sartre devised an ingenious solution--let us not rebel against the framework we irresistably operate in, but rather invert it with nothingess. He defined consciousness as "a pool of nothingness in the brain," a sort of vacuum that is always sucking in everything. In this formulation, you submit to the cogito, but also transcend it, as now consciousness is always OF something, and if it is not filling itself with SOMETHING in the world, then it is--literally--nothing.

I stumbled upon a solution to consumerism that I found strikingly similar to this. If I meditate immediately for 10 minutes upon waking up in the morning, focusing on my breath and watching the dreams go around in my surface-dreaming mind, without falling asleep, my breath becomes an exceptionally calming force throughout the rest of the day, almost like a drug. It is as if doing breathing exercises in the morning while my brain is still on drugs forges a connection between breathing and hallucinating that MILDLY maintains itself throughout the rest of the day. Here, any time I felt a consumptive impulse, I would simply breath, and it would have this neurally calming effect, similar to that of a drug. And in this case, I could consume, consume, consume all I wanted, eating nothingness all day, but oddly escaping the paradigm of consumerism from within it.

Do not rebel against your framework--invert it with nothingness.

"Man would rather consume nothingness than not consume at all"

Analysis of Scorsese Movie Silence

Silence is a powerful 2017 film by Martin Scorcese, that pierces deeply into some interesting theological questions. Below is a discussion analyzing some of these points, between a friend and me.


Finished it



He kept the cross.


Did his wife.slide it into his hand?

It was such a good movie

Its like Padres came to Japan to "save" the Japanese but the only way to save them was to give up their ego, which is the route to Buddhist salvation

And all the inherent conceptual conflicts between Christianity and Buddhism


Yes, but also more importantly than their ego, their spirit, their entire world view

It’s asking much more than taking your life, in a sense




Because they wanted to die for their beliefs, they did NOT want to live to see their beliefs die

Such a beautiful film


Well put

But you realize at the end that he did the ultimate sacrifice

He gave up all external signs of his belief, stepped on jesus, to forever go down in history as a heretic. But he kept the cross. He kept his belief in the end

He was the first Protestant, in a sense

Ah that's a good point

External rituals are irrelevant, as long as you stay true to your personal relationship with god

That’s why he heard jesus’ voice at that crucial moment, saying step on me, it’s okay

Yeah! And in the end, when Jesus said I was suffering beside you in the silence

Ugh yes, fuckkkkk

In a sense he did the hardest thing

He could have disbanded his beliefs like Ferreira, or died for his beliefs

But he decided to externally disband them while internally holding on

The ultimate enslavement 2017

I’ll have to hand 2017 over to him tbh

He won that shit

Yeah seriously

And yeah I’m assuming he had his wife give it to him

How was that movie not way more popular

Probably too deep for most

Same with birdman

Oh hold up

What if he didn't

They both had that layered quality, like 6 different layers

Of meaning

What if she just gave that to him

Which maybe makes it more beautiful

Like he would never jeopardize her in any way

And he never outwardly showed his faith

But she saw it in him still


Yeah, good point. They leave it up to the viewer, to add more layers of meaning

Same with birdman. Remember the ending?

There were like 4 ways you could interpret it, and each made it a completely different movie


I was always curious whether he kept “silently” blessing kijichiros confessions, even after

Cuz they showed one instance of him doing it silently

I think he did

But at the same time they said the one emperor dude was watching him super closely to the end of his life and saw now Christianity


And he kind of used Japan’s metaphysics against them, the same way they did against him

They were so preoccupied with external signs, so he gave that to him

But he still kind of won, while letting hem win too

Yeah!!! You're right!!

Cuz all they wanted was to write down in history that he showed no external signs and therefore was not Christian

But he totally challenged that

Ahhhhh so many layers!!!


The brilliance was, when I first saw it I was like man they broke him, Japanese ego death wins,

But when they show the cross at the very end

It just totally fucks WVERYTHING up

And starts adding all the layers

Yeah and I think he thought he wasn't a Christian anymore too

Still maintaining the top layer, but adding so many more

Bc he denounced

Also cool symbolism: if you watch closely, kijihiro and the other Japanese Christians only partially step on jesus’ face toward the end

Because they are still preoccupied with the externality

But him dying with the cross hidden in his hand really showed that he still was, even if he didn't think he was bc of how he externally lived

But our boy puts his WHOLE foot on there, he don’t give a shit!!!


And that line at the end too: he failed in the eyes of god, or I guess, that’s between him and god.....

Then it shows the cross

AHHHHHHHH. The best.

it's such the best one

Silence moonlight and birdman

Top 3 easily


Without a doubt


That was such a powerful movie

Even how is was shot

Most of the movie is silence or the sounds of nature

But when it's not silent, you almost don't want it to be

Bc the dialogue uncovers or fortells pain

And if it's not dialogue, the silence is broken by suffering

The pit or the cross on the shoreline are the worst ways to die I think

Japanese are fucked up


The surface layer is that the Christians are doing it for their glory, the price is the suffering of others

Which is true

But a lot of the other layers Kind of subvert the Japanese

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

funny story idea: death

Amir Mazaheripour:
u know what would be a nice read
a guy is about to die
and he’s terrified, because he doesn’t want to vanish into nothingness, it all starts dawning on him towards the end
that everything he ever knew, loved, hoped, is all just about to be…stopped
then he dies, all scared
and he BECOMES the one “mind at large”
there is only one
then he starts laughing and goes “oH YEAH, HAHAHAHA. holy shit, i forgot i was this, and i was just doing an experiment with locality”
“okay, let me dive back in, and this time, NOT get freaked out about death”
but the same thing keeps happening
he keeps diving into local neural systems
and then getting really freaked out about nothingness

and then dying and remembering that this was all an experiment, and laughing