Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Interesting Physical Problem

so if a system is undergoing simple harmonic motion, you can model its frequency using pi and some intrinsic constants for that system
so for a spring, its root(k/m), divided by 2pi
for an LC system, its root (1/LC), divided by 2pi
but now suppose a human being is willfully moving his index finger between two points a and b in perfect simple harmonic motion
what intrinsic constants do you use to calculate the frequency?
the cool thing about this problem is that there's two planes
the first is based on his subjectivity, so you would say "need the constants pertaining to his contingent brain in order to predict what frequency he will decide to oscillate at, at any time t"
the second plane is a bit more interesting. its like "okay, suppose you both agree on a frequency, say 2 Hz per cycle. still, HOW could you calculate that frequency based on intrinsic constants about the human? surely his bone density, size (kind of the "mass"), muscular elastic coefficients, but you still need more...he is "telling" his muscle fibers how hard to push to achieve a given frequency, so neural signal potentials need to be incorporated as well
so you'd basically model this SHM as perfectly periodic neural pulses at a magnitude A and frequency f to opposing muscle fibers in order to move the finger at a given frequency between two points
but here's the problem: the frequency that you'd be pulsing those neurons would be the same as the index finger! you can't incorporate a "source frequency" term to solve for the frequency of SHM, that's circular, you need to model it in terms of intrinsic constants, divided by 2pi....
so what are the intrinsic constants??
also, a separate side-investigation should concern the origin of the pi term in the frequency of any oscillating system. its like, im just dangling a pendulum here, and suddenly pi is involved? any cyclical motion, any periodic recurrence (the pulsing of an LED)...that's all pi

to me that just means time itself is intricately related to pi, and we don't really know how
people are always telling me how you can never draw a "perfect circle" in reality
but i know someone who can, my dude Father Time
he's ALWAYS drawing that shit

Monday, June 5, 2017

Climate Change Skepticism as an Opportunity for Cultural Shift

had a meditation this morning
was thinking, climate change skepticism is actually a really good opportunity for science, and global culture at large, to make a marked distinction between the truth and technical-sounding jargon
right now they are viewed as one in the same by most laypeople
thats why an argument for global warming and an argument for why the earth is flat are equally compelling to laypeople
its just a bunch of exclusive technical jargon, and that is one of the issues in truth-revealing practices such as science...it is one of the most rigorous and reliable, yet also one of the most exclusive...accessibility was never a focus, and that's led to a national crisis
one solution is education, yeah
but i wonder if there is something else, where we can finally change the language to not be as exclusive and make truths more self-evident

perhaps blockchain?

Friday, June 2, 2017

Mine-ness of Being, groundwork for a New Religion, and musings on electronic properties of materials

1. mineness religion
Let us ask the question of "what have we lost with the end of religion" from a phenomenological perspective. This can specify the question to "What spontaneously occurs during a spiritual interaction? What does one gain from it?" When one prays, repents, meditates, etc, he transitions to an attitude of astonishment, appreciation. I believe this is fundamentally an astonishment at Being itself, and the "mine-ness" of Being.

Whether approached through appealing to a superior deity that put your soul in here, or focusing on presence itself, these practices approach this fundamental astonishment at Being itself--why am I something rather than nothing....okay, my thoughts are objective consequences of objective processes, but why am I....IN this one, at this time, or said differently, why am I in this one? I could have never existed, but I just SHOWED UP in this one? Why couldn't I just never exist and then some other "self" was in this one? Who made this decision? Its the only one I'll ever get?

This is the type of "holy mood" one gets in when thinking about mineness, which religion so excellently centralized society around. And it's a nice mood. We lost that when God died, and we can occasionally still get in it here and there, maybe with some sort of deep scientific appreciation of the world, or just really pondering the chain of "holy" questions above. But we can't invoke it at the collective scale through some conceptual holy figure and organized cultural practice...everything has to be literal now, otherwise it's meaningless, and as the mineness of Being is a literal self-evident fact that we already know, there's nothing left to do, deal with it on your own time, awkward.
and so cultural practices are organized around literal stuff like resources, which probably became necessary with population increase. so what do we do?

memes? idk

2. why valence electron wavefunction delocalized?

the electrons in the valence band are localized in the bonds between the atoms in the lattice. so when we draw the wavefunction of a valence electron, and it's a wave throughout the lattice spaced relative to the atoms, why is it delocalized at all? Shouldn't it just have one peak, by some atom?