Friday, June 2, 2017

Mine-ness of Being, groundwork for a New Religion, and musings on electronic properties of materials

1. mineness religion
Let us ask the question of "what have we lost with the end of religion" from a phenomenological perspective. This can specify the question to "What spontaneously occurs during a spiritual interaction? What does one gain from it?" When one prays, repents, meditates, etc, he transitions to an attitude of astonishment, appreciation. I believe this is fundamentally an astonishment at Being itself, and the "mine-ness" of Being.

Whether approached through appealing to a superior deity that put your soul in here, or focusing on presence itself, these practices approach this fundamental astonishment at Being itself--why am I something rather than nothing....okay, my thoughts are objective consequences of objective processes, but why am I....IN this one, at this time, or said differently, why am I in this one? I could have never existed, but I just SHOWED UP in this one? Why couldn't I just never exist and then some other "self" was in this one? Who made this decision? Its the only one I'll ever get?

This is the type of "holy mood" one gets in when thinking about mineness, which religion so excellently centralized society around. And it's a nice mood. We lost that when God died, and we can occasionally still get in it here and there, maybe with some sort of deep scientific appreciation of the world, or just really pondering the chain of "holy" questions above. But we can't invoke it at the collective scale through some conceptual holy figure and organized cultural practice...everything has to be literal now, otherwise it's meaningless, and as the mineness of Being is a literal self-evident fact that we already know, there's nothing left to do, deal with it on your own time, awkward.
and so cultural practices are organized around literal stuff like resources, which probably became necessary with population increase. so what do we do?

memes? idk

2. why valence electron wavefunction delocalized?

the electrons in the valence band are localized in the bonds between the atoms in the lattice. so when we draw the wavefunction of a valence electron, and it's a wave throughout the lattice spaced relative to the atoms, why is it delocalized at all? Shouldn't it just have one peak, by some atom?

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