Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Death and Time
compressing reality

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Welcome & Shit
- Scope. I have a tendency to be too grand with my posting ideas, which leads to a lot of interesting thinking, but not a lot of writing. This time around, I'll attempt to be brief and modest. Right now you're a post entirely about my attempts to write better and more regular posts, which is probably pretty boring. I'll work on minimizing the meta in the future.
- Tools. For the past couple of years, this was my laptop. It was structurally unsound. "Flaccid" according to my roommate. Writing requires technology as much as it does a mindset, neither of which were readily available to me on my old machine.
- Time. When I was in school, the notion of writing recreationally was absurd to me. That's because I associated all writing with the rigorously worded bullshit typical of most undergraduate academic work. I preferred to spend my time doing more important things like becoming the single most dominant Super Smash Bros player on the Eastern Seaboard. Now that I have a day job, it will be important for me to view blogging as leisure and carve out a certain amount of time per week. This will require discipline, which, as a lazy fuck, is something I definitely lack.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A very cheeky symbiosis.
(2:35:30 PM) matteoplix:
(2:35:31 PM) matteoplix: BOOM
(2:44:34 PM) bboyamir: SICK
(2:45:22 PM) matteoplix: i went in one
(2:45:24 PM) matteoplix: soooo cool
(2:45:30 PM) bboyamir: OH really!
(2:45:38 PM) bboyamir: in mexico?
(2:45:39 PM) matteoplix: yup in new mexico
(2:45:41 PM) bboyamir: new
(2:45:45 PM) bboyamir: damn thats tight
(2:45:50 PM) matteoplix: was sick nasty
(2:45:58 PM) matteoplix: it was so cool inside despite the temperatures
(2:46:01 PM) matteoplix: no ac
(2:46:42 PM) bboyamir: see like
(2:46:45 PM) bboyamir: technology and nuclear energy
(2:46:49 PM) bboyamir: thats us DOMINATING nature
(2:46:55 PM) bboyamir: but these earthships
(2:47:00 PM) bboyamir: thats us like smirking at nature
(2:47:05 PM) bboyamir: and i kind of like that attitude more
(2:47:09 PM) matteoplix: yeah
(2:47:09 PM) bboyamir: windmills too
(2:47:12 PM) matteoplix: like hey , i see u
(2:47:15 PM) matteoplix: nature
(2:47:22 PM) matteoplix: very cheeky symbiosis
(2:47:25 PM) bboyamir: hahahah
(2:47:34 PM) matteoplix: thats the way it needs to be
(2:47:39 PM) matteoplix: no more raping
What should be our approach to renewable technology? Shall we only focus on the utilitarian end goal, the destination, securing pure energy in the most efficient manner possible, or is the method, the journey, the approach, equally important? Is the world our gas station or our friend?
For more see: Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology"
Here is a supplement:
When Heidegger investigates 'the question concerning technology' he is interested in the essence of modern technology, not just any technology; for it is modern technology that poses the problem. Heidegger presents as an example of traditional technology peasant farming. The relationship of the peasants to the land is one of respect: they tend the land, are stewards of the land, cultivating it, synchronized with its patterns, to let the crop develop out of it. Modern technology, however, exploits the land as pure resource, trying to gain the 'maximum yield at minimal expense'. Modern technology challenges the land, or whatever it happens to be exploiting, to yield more. Objects are thus revealed as pure resource. Objects are exploited for all the energy or use they can yield and are left to stand there until they are to be challenged for more use again. For instance, the dam on the Rhine reveals the Rhine as merely a resource for hydroelectric power. Even viewing the Rhine for its beauty has been made into a tourist industry, again exploiting the Rhine as a resource for tourist gratification and photos.